"Dream of Violins and War"

Last night I had one of the most vivid and real dreams ever! It was a dream of violins and war. The dream started with me viewing a seen inside a car with my family (me, wife, and son and daughter) but we were 5-7 years older.

We are driving down the interstate with the sky perfectly blue and clear. Out of no where a violin falls from the sky and crashes in front of us. All of us in the car are all shocked and thinking where did that come from? Moments later a guitar falls from the sky crashing to the ground near the road.

At this point we are all wondering what in the world is going on and where did this musical instruments come from. At this point we are looking skywards for anything else.

Then we spot another musical instrument that resembled some kind of string instrument; it was a bit far off. Soon after that we saw a full sized gold colored harp falling from the sky. We all are now looking with intense passion into the sky.

Suddenly, in my dream of violins and war, 3 then 4 full size large passenger jets fly overhead very low to the ground as if they just took from a nearby metro airport. Of course we are putting the pieces together and we surmise that a plane was attacked and shot out of the sky with musical instruments on board which explains them falling from the sky.

I then turn to my left to look out the car window and see a rocket coming toward us and soon to hit us. At this point everything in the dream goes into very slow motion. I see the rocket and on the rocket I see black painted squares on the white rocket. The rocket hits the car causing an explosion.

The car begins to tilt over as bright white then orange light fills the inside of the car. Then flames begin to surround my body from under and back. I feel the heat beginning to intensify and moving up my back. I wake up.

I wake up totally spooked and rather nervous about what I just experienced. I did not know what to think. Did I have a crazy dream or did God just gift me with a vision of future events, which makes me feel very strange. If that is the case then why me?

So I have to ask what do I do now?


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Dream of Violins and War

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Samuel L Mills
PO Box 4456
Maryville, TN 37802